Low Carb Taco Skillet/Weekly Menu

Hi all. Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I made a quick trip to Oklahoma to visit the fam. Sadly, I didn’t get to spend much time with them, but it was nice getting to see them!

I am back with a weekly menu/new recipe. This recipe is so simple, healthy, and low-carb! I absolutely love it, and I hope you enjoy it just as much as me! First the menu:

  • Monday: Spaghetti Squash
  • Tuesday: Bell Pepper Nachos
  • Wednesday: Zucchini Noodle Lasagna
  • Thursday: Pinto Beans & Brown Rice Medley
  • Friday: One-dish Chicken & Veggie Bake
  • Saturday: Sausage Stir-fry
  • Sunday: Low-carb Taco Skillet


And now for the super easy and delicious recipe:


  • 1/2 pound ground turkey
  • 1/4 cup shredded mexican cheese
  • 1 jalapeno chopped
  • 1/2 tomato chopped
  • 1/2 small onion chopped
  • 1/2 bell pepper chopped
  • 2 cups baby spinach


  1. Brown ground turkey on medium heat
  2. Chop all veggies
  3. When turkey is finished add chopped veggies and saute on medium heat for 7 minutes
  4. Add cheese to turkey and veggie mixture
  5. Place spinach on two plates
  6. Top spinach with turkey medley and serve (I serve with hot sauce, feel free to use salsa, sour cream, etc.)

The thing I love most about this recipe is how versatile it is. You can serve it over rice, on tortillas, or over spinach. Also, if you don’t want to chop the tomato or jalapeno, feel free to use a can of diced tomatoes with green chiles to make it even easier!

  1. ground turkey in pan.JPG
  2. chopped veggies for taco skillet
  3. meat and turkey
  4. meat turkey and cheese
  5. finished taco skillet

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